The Community Circles of Support Addressing Systemic Racism in Local Communuties – A Gender-based Intersectional Approach initiative funded by Canadian Heritage (2022-2024) set out to bring systemically marginalized groups together to identify issues of racism and work together to promote awareness in their own communities. Through the framework of the LSISN, individuals and communities have been encouraged to consider the various ways solidarity can be used as a practical tool to address anti-Black, anti-Indigenous, and other forms of racism.
A key objective of this initiative was to design community-based awareness raising tools that could be used by front-line workers from local mainstream and community agencies serving systemically marginalized communities, specifically, Indigenous, Black, racialized, refugee and 2SLGTBQIA+ peoples, Deaf people and/or people with disabilities. These fact sheets provide information on the context of structural racism, tips on engaging Indigenous community members, and includes discussion questions to prompt dialogue, reflection and understanding.
The following fact sheets were produced through this initiative: