This report outlines the results of research conducted through a collaborative initiative led by Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre, the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation and the Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society, entitled: Toronto – A Place to Call Our Own: Empowering Women to Take Action for Affordable Housing. The initiative convened indigenous, refugee women and women with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities – including gender non-conforming people and trans women who identify as members of these populations – to identify and deepen the city of Toronto’s understanding of the diverse systemic barriers that result in these groups’ experiences of homelessness, unsafe housing and housing insecurity. This project aimed to provide a space for grassroots, front-line housing service providers, specific to these populations of women, to work with community-based organizations, the private sector and social housing advocacy efforts to develop a strategy to address the lack of access to affordable housing in Toronto, as well as identify what is needed to keep these populations of women housed.
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