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Local Safety & Inclusion Solidarity Networks – Infosheet

Since 2012, IRIS has been working with local partners in various provinces and territories across the country to address issues such as; gender-based violence, access to justice and housing disparity. Given that IRIS provides policy research and social development leadership in pursuit of inclusion, human rights and well-being for people with disabilities and other marginalized … Continued

The Equal Right to Decide – Designing a Pilot Projet Initiative

People with intellectual, cognitive and psychosocial or mental health disabilities often face barriers to the equal right to ‘legal capacity’. Legal capacity is the power to make and direct your own decisions about your personal life, health care, and money. IRIS has been working on pilot projects to help people exercise their legal capacity in … Continued

Growing Number of Canadians Vulnerable to Losing the Right to Decide

In 2019, IRIS completed a study on how people with developmental, cognitive, and psychosocial disabilities lose the right to decide in their lives, and what can be done to address this growing problem

Justice Denied: People with Disabilities Face Multiple Barriers in Accessing Justice

IRIS recently completed a community-driven access to justice initiative (https://irisinstitute.ca/resource/access-to-justice-for-indigenous-and-racialized-victims-and-survivors-of-crime-with-intellectual-psychosocial-and-cognitive-disabilities/) and hosted an online forum “Access to Justice for Marginalized People with Disabilities” (https://irisinstitute.ca/2020/12/11/panel-presentation-videos-access-to-justice-for-indigenous-racialized-and-2slgbtq-people-with-disabilities/).   A key finding our many years of work in this area is that law enforcement is not well equipped to effectively support people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities in … Continued