Warriors Against Violence Society
Warriors Against Violence Society (WAVS) is committed to helping Indigenous men, women, two-spirit, and gender diverse peoples to end violence in their lives, by reclaiming traditional values of honour, respect, and equality. WAVS was formed in 1996 to address the need for culturally grounded family and re-integration services for Indigenous peoples living in the Greater Vancouver area. WAVS believes there is a need to restore traditional Indigenous values of honour, respect, and equality. The Circle of Life includes elders, life givers, men, and youth. All have a right to live in non-violent families and communities. While WAVS insists that men take responsibility for the abuse that they may inflict against their partners, wives, and mothers – we also recognize that male violence against women in Indigenous homes is complex and is rooted in the legacy and present-day manifestations of patriarchal colonialism that has disrupted our traditional communities and family relations.
WAVS has been partnering with IRIS for over a decade now in a mutually beneficial relationship as we understand and find ways to respond to intersectional exclusion for Indigenous people with and without disabilities.

Across Boundaries
Across Boundaries is a mental health centre located in the city of Toronto, providing mental health and addiction support to Black and racialized communities for 28 years. The centre has led the incorporation of a holistic approach to mental health
which includes all the social determinants of health along with therapeutic interventions grounded in anti-racism, resisting anti-Black racism and anti-oppression. Services provided include but are not limited to individual support, group and family support, psychiatric consultations, community outreach, alternative and complementary therapies, and social and recreational activities to enhance life skills.
Across Boundaries’ long-term relationship with IRIS has ensured that Black and racialized people living with mental health disabilities are always included in IRIS’ solidarity projects.

Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support
Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support is an incorporated non-profit organization that aims to EMPOWER Black caregivers of individuals with disabilities and their families to use their voice and create change. We EDUCATE families on services, resources, and expertise available to them and their family members. We EDUCATE systems to better connect with Black families through decolonized and better-informed practices of support to Black families and their systems of support. We ENLIGHTEN as we build a strong community of support for Black families to remain hopeful for the future for their loved one.
The MISSION of Sawubona Africentric Circle of Support is to cultivate and improve the self efficacy of Black caregivers of persons with a disability and their families by providing necessary resources and support. Sawubona’s VISION is for every Black caregiver of a family member with a disability to feel a sense of belonging.
The founders of Sawubona, Clovis and Sherron Grant have felt that they have brought an important insight to the design and implementation of IRIS’ The Accessibility Exchange.